Requiem for a Gringo

Requiem for a Gringo is a 1968 Western directed by Eugenio Martin and Jose Luis Merino.

Requiem for a Gringo tells the story of Ross Logan, a bounty hunter and astrologist, who seeks vengeance for his brother’s death. Logan relies on his gun-fighting skills and celestial intuition to defeat a band of cruel bandits.

There is something endlessly appealing about a Western that strays from convention. While Requiem for a Gringo features a formulaic blueprint, it is a wildly stylish, unique and violent movie.

Lang Jeffries has the face and manner of a nondescript Western lead. He’s stoic and at times professorial. There’s rarely a time his Logan Ross is not dominating the crew of bandits who murdered his brother. Yet, he’s an astrologist adorned in a leopard print shawl who plans his ultimate revenge based on an eclipse.

The real flavor of Requiem for a Gringo comes in the eclectic collection of hired guns working for the oafish Carranza.

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