Heart Beat

Heart Beat is a 1980 movie directed by John Byrum.

Heart Beat tells the story of the relationship between Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Carolyn Cassady. Nick Nolte plays the iconic Beat Generation muse, while John Heard portrays Kerouac and Sissy Spacek is Carolyn. While the story attempts to capture the intimacy of a complicated relationship, the movie does a disservice to the vibrancy and pulsing energy of Cassady found in Kerouac’s writing.

THE BEST – Jazz and Cars

Kerouac’s sprawling On the Road is considered an unfilmable novel, at least given its non-linear path and deep spiritual and metaphysical yearnings. However, in a pure visual sense – Kerouac’s book can be boiled down to jazz and cars. The characters furiously race across the country in stolen vehicles and channel their co-opted spirits in dope-steeped jazz clubs.

At least compared to the pale 2012 movie version of On the Road, Byrum manages to remember these basic tenants. The cars look fantastic and while the energy suffers, at least we see Cassady and Kerouac in clubs idolizing their heroes.

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