Get Carter

Get Carter is a 1971 movie directed by Mike Hodges.

Get Carter tells the story of Jack Carter, a London-based mobster who travels north to avenge the mysterious death of his brother. Michael Caine portrays Carter, who proves to be an intriguing mix of charm, raw anger, sadness and endless wit. Caine is phenomenal displaying all of these complex traits – his ownership of the character is impressive. Caine simply gritting his teeth creates danger.

Hodges creates a stylish narrative – the use of quick edits and long POV shots help to create interesting narrative sequences. Caine’s Carter is rescued by a “fairy godmother” in the form of Geraldine Moffat’s Glenda. Her dramatic shifting of car gears is mixed with their passionate encounter. The tone of the movie continually returns to grimy locales and the tragic darkness of pornography – leaving it difficult to invest in any of its characters.

THE BEST – The Opening Scene

I’m a sucker for an opening scene that lays out the entire story. In just a couple minutes, we learn that Jack has to travel North to learn of his brother’s death – against the wishes of his London mob mates. It’s a simple, pleasing and effective setup.

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