The Grand Duel

The Grand Duel is a 1972 movie directed by Giancarlo Santi.


A former Marshal defends a young gunfighter against a corrupt family. The Marshal comes to terms with his past before engaging in a final confrontation.


The Grand Duel is a stylistic, inventive European Western.


Lee Van Cleef plays Clayton, the Marshall seeking justice. It’s a typical Van Cleef Western role, as the veteran actor delivers witty, grim lines and maintains a grizzled, sage presence. At times, it appears Van Cleef is sleepwalking through his role – his Marshal sums up the role: “I don’t talk unless I feel like it. That’s one of my rules.” Yet, he delivers in the movie’s finale – a superb dramatic shootout.

Alberto Dentice is Phillip Vermeer, the young gunfighter shepherded by Clayton. It’s a stock role and a largely forgettable performance. The movie’s true standout is Klaus Grunberg’s Adam, a fey, dangerous murderer who leaps from the screen. His entry helps revitalize the movie’s lumbering, repetitive story.

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