Bad Day at Black Rock

Bad Day at Black Rock is a 1955 movie directed by John Sturges.


A stranger arrives in a small town, where a group of suspicious locals are hiding a secret. Their motives are slowly revealed, which leads to a battle for survival.


Bad Day at Black Rock masterfully layers suspense in an efficient manner.


The entire cast is tremendous, led by Spencer Tracy. Tracy possesses the affable, old-school cool and resolve of a veteran. There’s never a moment where he’s physically outmatched, despite his stature, age and loss of one arm. As the locals threaten him in both subtle and overt means, Tracy’s Macreedy responds with logic and irony. His urgency is direct but never wrought with emotion.

The supporting actors fit seamlessly into their roles. Robert Ryan plays Reno Smith with a quiet menace that evolves into violence as Macreedy uncovers the town’s secret. Ernest Borgnine is impressive as the town heavy who ends up on the wrong end of a physical altercation. Lee Marvin slips into a dusty cowhand, Dean Jagger is a perfect 50’s cowardly drunk, Anne Francis is spunky and Walter Brennan is the voice of reason – a contrast to the town’s aggressive, conspiratorial nature.

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