The Crazies

The Crazies is a 1973 movie directed by George A. Romero.


The military attempts to contain a dangerous a viral bioweapon in a small Pennsylvania town.


The Crazies is a low budget horror movie that doubles as a critique of bureaucracy.


Lane Carroll could be considered the emotional core of the movie. She plays the pregnant Judy and is perhaps the only character who conveys true fright regarding the viral outbreak. Will MacMillan plays her husband David, a former Green Beret. Unfortunately, MacMillan and Harold Wayne Jones’ Clank look nearly identical – which causes confusion throughout the movie. Jones is easily the scene stealer as the mercurial Clank – an Army vet who develops a death wish. Lloyd Hollar’s Colonel Peckham is effective as the leader of the military operation. He shows some range and frustrated cynicism as the operation unravels.

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