Dirty Mary Crazy Larry

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry is a 1974 movie directed by John Hough.

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry tells the story of Larry and Deke, two racers who pull a heist in order to buy a faster car. They are joined by Mary, a local girl, as they escape a fleet of police cars led by Vic Morrow’s Captain Franklin. The movie follows the path created by 1971’s Two Lane Blacktop – Peter Fonda is the obsessed racer, Adam Roarke the mechanic and Susan George plays “the girl.” Yet, these characters are given more dialogue – much of it cliched and pointless. Fonda in particular creates a universally unlikeable character. However, the movie excels on the open road – featuring a number of terrific chases and stunts. The wreckage throughout the movie is spectacular and the police as comic foils predates and possibly inspires Smokey and the Bandit.

THE BEST – Vic Morrow

Morrow’s rule breaking, Johnny Cash-esque cowboy police captain carries the narrative part of the movie. His Franklin commands scenes with an easygoing authority – even when operating with a boring secondary plot.

THE WORST – Anything Peter Fonda Touches

Fonda is either especially skilled at portraying characters with no redeemable traits or he’s simply reflecting his natural personality. Either way, his non-existent charisma seems only an extension of the vehicle he’s driving.


Dirty Mary Crazy Larry is a fun car chase movie filled with brilliant stunts. It’s worth a watch.

Race With the Devil

Race With the Devil is a 1975 movie directed by Jack Starrett.

Race With the Devil tells the story of two vacationing couples who are terrorized after witnessing a satanic ritual. Peter Fonda and Warren Oates play the leads – Oates carries the movie as his Frank boasts an extraordinarily natural everyman appeal, while Fonda’s Roger is miscast in any scene that doesn’t involve him racing. Lara Parker’s Kelly does a great job reacting to the terrors inflicted on the group – comprised of virtually every character the foursome encounter in a 400-mile radius. The implausibility of the story affects the movie’s tension, but there are enough highway chases and shootouts to satisfy.

THE BEST – Peter Fonda is Surprisingly Not a Dick

It’s odd to watch Fonda assume the role of an emotionally healthy man. Typically, his characters are juvenile, mean-spirited, man-child types consumed with motorcycles or cars. He actually exhibits a few moments of tenderness throughout the movie.

THE WORST – A Tale of Two Actors

Other than his famous last name, I’m never sure what Fonda brings to a role. He’s never a dynamic presence and often his only character trait is petty subversiveness. Any other actor could have easily played his part in Race With the Devil. However, Oates is easily one of the most natural actors of his generation. He perfects the unassuming nature of his characters, which is a vastly underrated acting skill.


Race With the Devil is a creative hybrid of horror and 70s chase genres. It’s worth a watch – especially if you’re a Warren Oates fan.