Dirty Mary Crazy Larry

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry is a 1974 movie directed by John Hough.

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry tells the story of Larry and Deke, two racers who pull a heist in order to buy a faster car. They are joined by Mary, a local girl, as they escape a fleet of police cars led by Vic Morrow’s Captain Franklin. The movie follows the path created by 1971’s Two Lane Blacktop – Peter Fonda is the obsessed racer, Adam Roarke the mechanic and Susan George plays “the girl.” Yet, these characters are given more dialogue – much of it cliched and pointless. Fonda in particular creates a universally unlikeable character. However, the movie excels on the open road – featuring a number of terrific chases and stunts. The wreckage throughout the movie is spectacular and the police as comic foils predates and possibly inspires Smokey and the Bandit.

THE BEST – Vic Morrow

Morrow’s rule breaking, Johnny Cash-esque cowboy police captain carries the narrative part of the movie. His Franklin commands scenes with an easygoing authority – even when operating with a boring secondary plot.

THE WORST – Anything Peter Fonda Touches

Fonda is either especially skilled at portraying characters with no redeemable traits or he’s simply reflecting his natural personality. Either way, his non-existent charisma seems only an extension of the vehicle he’s driving.


Dirty Mary Crazy Larry is a fun car chase movie filled with brilliant stunts. It’s worth a watch.